Information and Updates

May 2024

We are excited to announce a new partnership that marks a significant step forward in our commitment to advancing clean energy solutions. We have teamed up with a leading specialist in the conversion of LNG plants to Hydrogen, that offers comprehensive services including engineering, equipment procurement, construction, and consulting.

This collaboration represents a strategic alignment of expertise and resources, allowing us to help accelerate the transition towards hydrogen-based technologies and further bolster our efforts in combating climate change. Through our collaborators and partners, we are poised to drive innovation and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

CLG is a meaning of cleaner and greener energy solutions for the world.

June 2021

Remote Work

Amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, our company has seamlessly transitioned to remote work, ensuring the safety and well-being of our team while maintaining peak operational efficiency. Despite the physical distance, our dedication to delivering exceptional service remains unwavering.

Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions (GHG)

Looking ahead, we are committed to environmental stewardship. In line with our sustainability goals, we are taking proactive steps to reduce our carbon footprint. By reevaluating our business travel practices and embracing virtual alternatives, we are determined to significantly reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions in the coming years.

April 2021

Clean Energy

We are thrilled to announce the establishment of a new division within our Group dedicated to combating climate change worldwide. With a firm commitment to environmental sustainability, we have assembled a dynamic team of experts and collaborators poised to drive innovation and progress in the realm of clean energy solutions.

Our division will spearhead initiatives in Bio-LNG, Biofuel, Hydrogen, and Financing for clean energy projects. By harnessing the power of transformative green technologies, we aim to help revolutionize industries and pave the way towards a greener, more sustainable future for generations to come.

At Canada LNG Group, we recognize the urgency of the climate crisis and are fully dedicated to playing our part in mitigating its impacts.

Additionally, while we believe in the benefits of LNG as a bridge fuel towards renewable energy, we understand that every region faces unique challenges and priorities in the transition to a cleaner energy landscape. Recognizing this diversity, our approach is tailored to accommodate varying needs and targets across different countries and industries.

While some regions may prioritize displacing heavy-polluting fossil fuels like diesel and coal, others may require a more nuanced strategy that incorporates a mix of energy sources. We are committed to fostering collaboration and innovation to address these complex challenges, ensuring that our solutions are not only effective but also adaptable to diverse global contexts.

Re: Covid-19

Dear customers, collaborators and business partners,

February 2021

At Canada LNG Group, our priority is the health and safety of our team members, partners and collaborators. Our Group and its afiliated companies has taken steps to safeguard our operations and services to our clients worldwide. We are able to work remotely and have continued access to our phones and emails. Please note that our office will be closed until further notice. There will also be no business travels and no in-person company events for the rest of this year and possibly for 2022 as well.
Please send all documents via e-mail (not via post).
Thank you for your understanding.

March 2020 – Given recent recommendations from official Canadian authorities, and the recent transition from the coronavirus epidemic to the pandemic stage, Canada LNG Group and its affiliates would like to inform you of the measures implemented by our Company to ensure the safety of its team, limit the spread of the coronavirus within and outside the Group network, to comply with official recommendations from the authorities, and to ensure the continuity of our business.

The safety of our team, their families and loved ones, as well as that of our customers, our international collaborators and business partners remains our main priority. We also want to offer our thoughts and support to all those who have to deal with the impacts of contamination within their own organization or those around them.

We want to assure all clients and business partners of the Company that we have been following the evolution of the situation for several weeks when it first started in China and that a business continuity plan has been put in place quickly with our team and our collaborators in Asia to ensure that we maintain the level service that our customers and collaborators expect, especially with regard to managing the impact of this spread and the situation caused by it.

Our satellite offices remain open and our team members are able to continue operations, whether on the premises with enhanced sanitary measures or remotely in a safe manner.

We have already established for many years now the possibility for our employees, collaborators and executive team to work remotely. Although we love meeting face to face, we conduct most meetings with customers, international collaborators and business partners by conference call or virtual conference.

Briefly, here are the preventive measures that we have implemented and that we will continue to adjust according to the circumstances:

  • All business trips outside of Canada, regardless of destination, have been canceled or postponed until further notice and or until travel bans to certain countries will be lifted. This includes travel planned for client meetings, business partners meetings, site inspections and/or for participation in conferences or other professional events.
  • All personal trips outside, regardless of the destination, are subject to the usual recommendations of the official authorities and are subject to precautionary measures (voluntary isolation or other) before any return to work.
  • We asked our team and international collaborators to consider conducting all meetings with customers or business partners by conference call or virtual conference in 2020.
  • In the event that a business meeting must take place in person in an exceptional way, the Company might be represented by our legal team, technical team, trading team or other team member who will be authorized to represent the Company abroad.

The measures described above are part of a collective prevention effort. We remain at your service for all your needs and business is being taken care of as usual even during this extraordinary and challenging global situation.

Canada LNG Group

Information and Recommendations

Click on this link to learn more about the advice for public (WHO):

What to do if you think you have COVID-19 symptoms ?

If you think you have coronavirus symptoms such as fever, cough and shortness of breath and in order to protect yourself and others, call your doctor for advice.

People with very mild or no symptoms should maybe avoid using important medical resources at this time of crisis and where every beds in hospitals are important for infected patients. Therefore, the initial feedback you may receive from your health professional can save you time and protect others from exposure.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that very mild cases of COVID-19 can be managed at home.

If you are sick, practice social distance and don’t venture outside or use public transportation, etc. To avoid infecting family members, the CDC suggests designating oneself a “vip room” and using a separate set of dishes, cups, cutlery, bedding, towels, etc. and to wash them after each use or regularly.

However, don’t hesitate to call 911 if you’re experiencing a medical emergency.

Emergency warning signs include:

  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • High fever
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • New confusion or inability to arouse
  • Bluish lips or face
    *This list is not all inclusive. Please consult your medical provider for any other symptoms that are severe or concerning.

Click on the link below to learn more about the COVID-19 in Canada:

Take care everyone.

canada lng group, lng canada, canada lng, lng export, lng trading, lng containers
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